Essential Commercial Cleaning Supplies

Challenges and Opportunities Facing Cleaning Businesses

During the recession, the cleaning industry took a downturn, and many businesses cut back on cleaning services. However, as the U.S. economy has steadily improved in recent years, the commercial and industrial cleaning industry has bounced back

With these opportunities and benefits also come new challenges for businesses in the commercial and industrial cleaning industry. A strong economy means more competition, making it important for cleaning companies to continue to find ways to remain competitive in the busy modern marketplace. In addition to staying on top of and adapting to industry trends, businesses in this industry will also need to address potential weaknesses and take full advantage of new market opportunities if they want to grow and thrive in the coming years.

Commercial and Industrial Cleaning Industry Trends

Trends in the cleaning industry change over time as the needs and desires of modern businesses evolve. It’s essential that commercial and industrial cleaning companies stay up-to-date with these industry trends and adapt their practices to account for the unique demands of their market. Below, we’ll provide a brief overview of the most pressing trends in the industry today and how these trends may impact your cleaning business.

Healthier Indoor Environments

One of the most defining trends in the commercial and industrial cleaning industry today is driven by increased public concern over health. While in the past, commercial cleaning companies may have been cleaning for mostly appearance, today’s cleaning companies are increasingly more focused on cleaning to create healthier indoor environments. An emphasis on cleaning for health means that cleaning professionals are now held to higher standards as they are often the first line of defense when it comes to stopping the spread of viruses, infectious disease, and other contaminants in public spaces.

Vendor Consolidation

With the busy modern marketplace creating new competition every day, more and more businesses across industries are looking for ways to simplify their processes while cutting costs. For this reason, many companies want to consolidate the number of vendors they are using, including those they use for commercial cleaning services. One cleaning vendor means one point of contact for services with one invoice, which is ultimately more convenient and has the potential to benefit the company’s bottom line.

create refreshingly clean spaces

Put your office cleaning on autopilot.

You’ve got better things to do than deal with leaky taps and complaints when the toilet paper runs out—like managing Everything Else.

But when your cleaning crew misses a step? You’re the one who hears, “my bin wasn’t emptied.” You just want a clean office. Without having to micro-manage.

You’ll get more compliments

Nobody wakes up thinking. “I love a clean office”. But they do love feeling jazzed about where they work. And you’re the one who makes that happen.

Team engagements, venue arrangements, photocopier fixes and travel logistics… you somehow manage it all. They should call you the Office Magic Maker. The problem is, people only seem to notice when things aren’t running smoothly or smelling fresh.

And field fewer complaints

You’ll be hiring a cleaning crew anyway. Why not go with a team who’s on top of it from the start? Every. Single. Time. Not just for the first couple of months. So you never have to go through the hassle of hiring someone—and then fielding complaints—ever again.

Things To Note Before Office Cleaning & Commercial Cleaning

Whether you own a business and office or work as an employee at an office, keeping it clean and well-maintained is one of the most important aspects of a good work environment. A well-maintained, clean, and organized office helps in increasing the employees’ productivity and they are motivated to perform even better.

Having said that, with your official duties and tasks planned out for the complete days and weeks, it can be very difficult for people to clean and maintain it themselves. Even if they somehow manage to do this task, they will feel tired and unmotivated when they finally sit down to do their actual job.

For this reason, it is very important that professional office cleaning services are employed for your office so that the employees can get a chance to work in a well-maintained, clean, and organized environment. In this article, we will describe the reasons why office cleaning is important for the productivity and success of any type of business.

Why is Office Cleaning And Commercial Cleaning Important?

The appearance of an office can have a very profound impact on the motivation level and productivity of its employees. A clean and spotless office can also have a lasting first impression on visitors and prospective customers which helps in the flourishing of your business.

Creates A Well-Maintained And Disciplined Environment

An office which is regularly cleaned and maintained helps create a disciplined environment where employees feel motivated to do their respective jobs. The more organized and less cluttered an office space looks, the more disciplined and effective will be the environment.


Cleaning an office on a regular basis is not a very common practice. Office owners usually do not feel the need to clean the office the way they like their residences to be cleaned. The task is cumbersome, and it is better left with commercial cleaners.

If you have not yet experienced the results of hiring a professional cleaning agency, chances are, you may not understand the severity of the situation and the quality of the outcome.

Visits to your workplace by the cleaning professionals can occur as often as you wish. Offices need a regularly scheduled cleaning, and the time between cleanings depends upon the size of the office, the number of workers, the kind of work going on inside the office and the area in which the office is located.

However, the office employees can also do their bit to take care of the cleaning of the workstations. Here are some tips on how they can do so:

A shelf should be designated as the place where all the cleaning equipment will be kept, like the dusters, cleaning solutions, rubbing alcohol and microfiber rags.

If everyone starts cleaning his or her own workstation meticulously on a regular basis, then it may help the whole office area look much cleaner. Equipment on the desk, like the monitor, phone, keyboard, and stationery, as well as the desk itself, should be dusted once every day to help keep the cubicles looking clean.

Lights and electrical equipment gather dust if they are not wiped off quite often. So be cautious of that and arrange to clear the dust from the lights and lighting fixtures.

Floor cleaning is a necessary part of office cleaning. Linoleum or tile floors look best when they are vacuumed and moped daily. Older floors should be waxed and stripped at regular intervals to remain in their best condition.

The refreshment area should be cleaned regularly. The tea and coffee area attracts flies and other kinds of bugs if the trash is not emptied and the counter not wiped down.

Also, each employee should keep the wastebasket near their desk clean by emptying it regularly.

While cleaning an office in OKC, you should not forget about the safety measures. Naked wires and sharp objects can pose dangers to you if you are not alert enough.

Work Harder, Work Smarter: Office Cleaning Tips

You spend 40-plus hours a week in your office, and you’re doing the jobs of two people. It’s no wonder that at the end of the week, you’re searching under piles of paper for your car keys and cell phone when it’s time to go home.

A clean office makes for a clear head, but who has time to organize with your workload? Setting up systems and sticking to them allows you to work smarter while you work harder. It also gives the impression that you’re on top of things when your boss makes an impromptu visit to your office. Who wants to leave her standing there while you shuffle through mounds of paperwork to find the one file folder she needs?

File As You Go

One of the biggest office offenders is piles of paper — on your desk, on your shelves, and eventually on your floor. It’s easy to get busy and start stacking papers to file for later, but before you know it, you have a task that’s too big to tackle. The key is to process papers as you go. Set up a system of trays or file folders that are clearly labeled and make it a habit to use them. The same goes for your computer desktop.

Clean Your Electronics

Hey you, with the food spattered monitor and keyboard full of crumbs. We know that you eat at your desk so you can work through lunch. And it certainly impresses your boss, but your co-workers are probably snickering about the week-old stroganoff stains.

Fortunately, it’s a simple fix. Head to your local office supply store, pick up some wipes that are specifically made for electronics, and make it a point to wipe down your keyboard and monitor daily. Not only will it keep dust and debris from gumming up your computer, but it also helps keep germs at bay.